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Before and after

The fact that we can present the stories of our patients, who have successfully completed their dental treatment, makes us proud and happy. Their metamorphosis are the best evidence for our hard and professional work. We are also lucky! By treating our patients we fulfil their long-time dreams.

Dental crown replacement

Mrs Halina, an energetic and cheerful woman, appeared at Luxdentica with a particular dental need. In order to restore the glow of her smile she decided to exchange her old crowns into new ones. She came for a visit with her old photograph when she was young and she could enjoy her beautiful natural smile. She asked us for its restoration.

First we designed and then made new full ceramic crowns for Mrs Halina, which restored the natural but not conspicuous natural smile.

Unaesthetic incisors improvement

Alice is a young and attractive student from Katowice. Her dream has always been to improve her unaesthetic incisors.

Based on computer-based virtual planning we made full-ceramic veneers for Alice so as to coordinate with her own teeth. Earlier, before the treatment, we had whitened her teeth. The net result was even better than we planned. Now her smile highlights features that make a woman attractive, that is youth and freshness.

New smile

Christopher came to us completely broken. The reason was his malocclusion and the current state of his teeth. Besides, Christopher was getting married in two months time, which resulted in even greater frustration. The decision had to be made quickly and the treatment complex and determined. We designed based on the comuter-based virtual planning the new smile for Christopher. Twenty four full-ceramic crowns leveled the malocclusion and caused an immeasurable change in his appearance. Supposedly his fiancée did not recognise him.

Complex dental treatment

Kevin is an actor from London. He came to Poland because he got a chance to play „the role of his life”. As he told us, his plan was simple – get through the complex treatment of his teeth in two weeks time. At first sight we thought it was impossible, but 20 veneers Empress Max Esthetic and 8 full-ceramic Emax crowns let Kevin regain his confidence and gave him a hollywood smile. Exactly in two weeks time.

Missing teeth restoration

Ewelina came to Luxdentica with the braces. She suffered from dilaceration. During the treatment in different clinic an orthodontist moved her canine into the incisor position and the treatment had already lasted 3 years. The patient did not want to continue the orthodontic therapy. We decided to insert 2 implants into missing teeth positions and restore the existing ones. The treatment ended in success.

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+48 668 058 242

Lubostroń 22G/7
30-383 Kraków






„100% success”


Starting implant treatment with us, you are always under „100% success” guarantee – it means that we take full responsibility for the implant process.

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